Accreditation Article List

Here you will find all of the California Coast University articles related to "Accreditation."

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Accreditation Conference and Workshop
Accreditation Conference and Workshop
Accreditation provides key recognition to educational institutions and ensures quality standards are met. To support our on-going accreditation efforts, CCU regularly attends conferences and workshops presented by our accreditor - Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
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Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) Fall Forum: Philadelphia – Oct. 22 – 24
Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) Fall Forum: Philadelphia – Oct. 22 – 24
CCU’s accreditor the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) held its Fall Forum in Philadelphia, PA. The Fall Forum is held each October for three days in various locales around the country.
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Course Development at CCU
Course Development at CCU
In addition to developing our new B.S. in Organizational Behavior, our Curriculum Development team works throughout the year revising and updating our existing courses to keep them current. For this, we have a master calendar of all courses offered at CCU. In a multi-step process, each course is monitored…
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"What People Are Saying!"
We value what our graduates have to say, and we use this feedback to help shape and refine our educational programming.
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CCU's BPPE Approval Renewed Until 2025!
CCU's BPPE Approval Renewed Until 2025!
In addition to holding national accreditation, California Coast University is also approved through the State of California to operate as an educational institution. Because the protection of California citizenry is a goal paramount to the State, the Department of Consumer Affairs has both a vision to…
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5 Reasons Why CCU Might Be the Best Fit for You
5 Reasons Why CCU Might Be the Best Fit for You

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaped the formation of our lives. It has affected everything we used to take for granted – schooling, trips to the grocery store, and even how we interact with our families. One of the most impactful consequences of this pandemic, however, is the effect it has had on the…

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