Accreditation Conference and Workshop

Picture of Accreditation Conference and Workshop
By CCU Staff

Accreditation provides key recognition to educational institutions and ensures quality standards are met. To support our on-going accreditation efforts, CCU regularly attends conferences and workshops presented by our accreditor - Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). This past year, President Dr. Murl Tucker and Compliance Specialist Rachel DeArmond attended the Spring Conference from April 12-14 in San Antonio, TX, and the Fall Workshop from October 20 – 22 in Portland, OR. Each of these professional meetings provided important and valuable information to improve the educational programming we offer at CCU, and a chance to meet up with colleagues from other educational institutions.


In April, DEAC’s Spring Conference was held along San Antonio’s famed Riverwalk. The spring conference offered many interesting sessions. One session focused on how the information explosion is challenging all of us to manage overwhelming amounts of information that come at us on a daily basis. Another session discussed new challenges confronting educational institutions to offer more credential programs - as interest in non-degree programs and continuing education grows. One session focused on mindfulness and creating opportunities for supporting mindful practices to help calm student anxiety from the information overload. There was a session on marketing educational programs using research to enhance marketing and brand identity and the power of choosing the right analytics to help institutions reach their target markets. Other sessions explored the value and importance of leadership in the educational arena; the challenge for institutions to develop and measure their own performance, strategic planning, measuring institutional effectiveness, processes, and the need for research on assessing student learning; and the importance of measuring value in higher education. Finally, there was a look at proposed revisions to the twelve accreditation standards that DEAC has been working on. The conference was very interesting and an opportunity to connect with colleagues and old friends we have worked with for 20 years now.


people in a conference roomIn October, DEAC’s Fall Workshop was held in Portland, Oregon. President Dr. Murl Tucker and Compliance Specialist Rachel DeArmond attended this informative workshop. The main focus of the workshop centered on the revision and expansion of the accreditation standards. DEAC currently requires twelve standards that all educational institutions must meet to become accredited and remain accredited. In January of 2025, these standards are being expanded to fifteen. Standards focus on requirements for systems, academic standards, financial responsibilities, quality controls standards, facilities, etc. The workshop provided valuable information to help CCU maintain its accredited status and to support our commitment to quality improvement. 

This article was written for you by a member of the California Coast University staff. Do you have a question, comment or an idea for an article? Email: [email protected]

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