Tips Article List

Here you will find all of the California Coast University articles related to "Tips."

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How to Study in College: 7 Proven Methods
How to Study in College: 7 Proven Methods
As a college student, you're expected to absorb vast amounts of information in a short period of time. Here are 7 proven methods that can help you study more effectively.
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Ten Myths About Online Education Debunked
Ten Myths About Online Education Debunked
Many people today lead extremely busy lives with dreams of continuing their education to earn their degree and enhance their career and income. A full family life and a full-time job might be prohibiting you from attending a traditional college classroom.
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Why Parents Should Read to Kids
Why Parents Should Read to Kids
One of the best ways to cultivate a love of reading in your children from a young age is to read to them as often as possible. Read about some of the reasons you should consistently devote time to reading to your child, regardless of their age.
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Surprising Ways Kids Benefit When Parents Go Back to School
Surprising Ways Kids Benefit When Parents Go Back to School
One of the biggest concerns adult students have when considering returning to pursue a degree is the impact it will have on the lives of their children. Here are five ways going back to school can help, rather than hinder, your kids.
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Going Back to School as a Nontraditional Student: Why It's Never Too Late
Going Back to School as a Nontraditional Student: Why It's Never Too Late
When looking at the possibility of going back to school as a nontraditional student, it's important not to let apprehension keep you from moving forward and achieving your goals. Here are a few common concerns of potential nontraditional students that actually aren't as problematic as they are believed…
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How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
A job you can work from home is no small blessing. Here are some tips to help you focus on your work tasks while in the comfort of your own home.
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