Success Article List

Here you will find all of the California Coast University articles related to "Success."

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What You Need to Know About Student Success at CCU
What You Need to Know About Student Success at CCU
At California Coast University, we take a multi-pronged approach to give students the learning resources they need to succeed in their studies. Read ahead to see what our Student Success Center has to offer!
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Articles to Help You Train Your Brain
Articles to Help You Train Your Brain
For National #TrainYourBrainDay, we have compiled seven interesting brain training related articles, in different subjects, for you to explore.
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7 Habits of Lucky People
7 Habits of Lucky People
In honor of World Smile Day, we are sharing the following Credit Today article with you and adding our personal #1 habit, which is… “Smile More!” In addition to just smiling more, here are six real-world habits that will increase your “luck.”
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How to Study in College: 7 Proven Methods
How to Study in College: 7 Proven Methods
As a college student, you're expected to absorb vast amounts of information in a short period of time. Here are 7 proven methods that can help you study more effectively.
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Success Before Breakfast
Success Before Breakfast
Successful people utilize 14 strategies to get the best jump on the day. See how many you start your day with. Hint: Hitting the snooze alarm isn’t one of them!
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10 Reasons Adults Should Go Back to School
10 Reasons Adults Should Go Back to School
The decision to go back to school is never an easy one. Many prospective middle-aged students have the weight of what seems like an endless amount of responsibility on their shoulders, often times deterring them from ever giving the thought of higher education a chance. So we decided to bring some of…
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