Careers Article List

Here you will find all of the California Coast University articles related to "Careers."

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7 Habits of Lucky People
7 Habits of Lucky People
In honor of World Smile Day, we are sharing the following Credit Today article with you and adding our personal #1 habit, which is… “Smile More!” In addition to just smiling more, here are six real-world habits that will increase your “luck.”
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3 Reasons You Should Be Active on LinkedIn
3 Reasons You Should Be Active on LinkedIn
Since its introduction in 2002, LinkedIn has become the leading social networking platform for established business professionals and active job seekers. Read ahead to see what kind of advantages an active LinkedIn can offer you in your job search.
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4 Tips to Find Your Next Job Faster
4 Tips to Find Your Next Job Faster
Today’s tough economy has put many people out of work, and that means that there are more job applicants than jobs. While many Americans rely on online job listings to find employment opportunities, the internet isn’t necessarily the best job-hunting tool at their disposal. So, how can you get your foot…
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Career Corner -
Career Corner - "Green Careers"
Learn how the future of your industry may lie in renewable energy and conservation.
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