Tips Article List

Here you will find all of the California Coast University articles related to "Tips."

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The Best New Year Resolution You Must Make—to Love Yourself!
The Best New Year Resolution You Must Make—to Love Yourself!
Unlike table manners or the alphabet, we are not taught self-love. In fact, we tend to think of such a notion as selfish. However, loving oneself is a natural state in which to live.
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How to Have a Stress-Free Holiday Office Party
How to Have a Stress-Free Holiday Office Party
Don't stress! A holiday party at work should be a stress-free and convivial team-building event. Learn how with these tips.
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How to Fight Those Winter Blues
How to Fight Those Winter Blues
Many people find waiting for the first warm days of spring to be a monotonous uphill battle. There are ways that we can weather the winter blues.
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7 Quick Mental Vacation Ideas to Recharge Your Batteries
7 Quick Mental Vacation Ideas to Recharge Your Batteries
Sometimes, we need a mini-vacation. A great way to unwind is a mental vacation! Learn what they are, when to take them, and the benefits of adding them to your daily life.
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Nail Your Next Job Interview with the Correct Body Language
Nail Your Next Job Interview with the Correct Body Language
We communicate in many different ways. Body language is a part of communication that is vastly overlooked. Read ahead for suggestions on presenting yourself in your next job interview.
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Letter from the President - Coastline E-Newsletter May 2019
Letter from the President - Coastline E-Newsletter May 2019
For our third issue of 2019, we focus on articles to help you thrive at work and school, tips to simplify your life, and a series of questions that can help you make major life decisions.
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