CCU News Article List

Here you will find all of the California Coast University articles related to "CCU News."

Most Recent Posts
Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver, California Coast University’s new mascot, has finally come home. While the seagull has long been a part of our logo, we recently took some time to bring more life to our mascot.
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Institutional Improvement: Advisory Councils
Institutional Improvement: Advisory Councils
To improve the quality of the programs we offer at California Coast University, we hold Advisory Council meetings for each of the schools at the University. Read about a few of the recent Advisory Council recommendations that were discussed.
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Out and About June 2016
Out and About June 2016
Our faculty and staff visit organizations and attend a variety of conferences, workshops, and trainings around the country throughout the year. Read more about some of the places we have visited during the last few months.
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Building Our Social Media Community
Building Our Social Media Community
You may have noticed we have been posting on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ with greater frequency during the past few months. As we are committed to building a stronger and more active social media community, we encourage you to follow us.
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Meet Angela Cenina, the Creator of Gulliver, California Coast University’s Mascot!
Meet Angela Cenina, the Creator of Gulliver, California Coast University’s Mascot!
Angela sat down with us for a quick chat about her current role at CCU, her love for art, and the process used in creating California Coast University’s newest addition, its mascot, Gulliver!
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